The Resident and the Tourist is an ongoing project with photographer Lee Milne that focuses on the Scottish island of Ailsa Craig, a local landmark in an area of great significance to both artists.
Gruzy, an assembly of printed images associated with the island and the surrounding landscape explores vocabularies of information, material, colour and scale. It was first exhibited at the India Club, London as part of Matter organised by the collective Specular Assembly in 2019.
Gruzy takes its name from de-bris: the scattered remains of something broken or destroyed. An island with multiple histories and one that can be found in numerous locations and forms.
‘A stepping stone for giants, the ‘dumpling’ we used to call it, Paddy’s Milestone; a halfway point between Glasgow and Belfast, ‘fairy rock’, once a haven for smugglers now a sanctuary for gannets, the heart of a volcano, a competition stone, forever shapeshifting, an island in limbo’